This is Christmas

Well, we're only a week into Advent, and hope everyone is finding time to celebrate the season outside of all the retail hubbub that is inherent these days. I was trying to think of something I could give to White Rose authors and staff that would express my gratitude for them and my love of this holiday, and I was introduced to this new Christmas song. Well, Kutless is a fantastic band (my favourite band, hands down), and they've posted the song via their YouTube channel, so...

Merry Christmas to all White Rose authors and staff (and all and sundry who happen to read this, of course). White Roses, you are all precious to me. I love the way you support each other, pen great and uplifting novels that glorify Christ, and truly strive to infuse Christ into your lives. You are all truly a model of faith. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season, and I hope the Lord showers you with many blessings this Christmas and into the new year.


  1. Merry Christmas, right back at ya. Thanks for thinking of us and for sending this present. What a great song! I had never heard it before.
    They are some awesome lyrics to ponder over in the coming weeks.

    You're a blessing!

  2. That was absolutely beautiful.

    Merry Christmas, Nicola - and I pray for you a blessed and joyful season of His birth and the 'birth' of a New Year!! Thank you for everything you do, and everything you are.

    In God's Love ~


  3. Oh, Nicola, DH had a disappointing trip to the surgeon late this morning. We had lunch and then we did a bunch of errands. What a blessing to come home to this beautiful message of truth. Thank you so much

  4. Oh, LoRee. I'm glad you got something positive out of the message. I continue to pray for your DH. May God give him healing and you both strength.

  5. That's just reduced me to tears :) but good ones. Thank you. I'll play it to hubby soon as he gets in from taking the girls to youth club.

  6. Thanks Nicola. The song is wonderful but your Christmas message to the White Roses was what really touched me. You are a blessing to all of us.

  7. Clare, I'm glad they were good tears. :) YVW.

    Kara, Thank you so much.

  8. Nicola,

    I'm listening to the song again as Christmas package wrappings are opened and gone, and the world has rushed back to work and everyday worries. It's a blessing to hear the words and to remember that He lives.

    May you be heartily blessed throughout the coming year.

