Good Bye Winter, Hello Spring!

Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."

When our sons were very young, my mother would often say, "For every age the boys will hit, you'll find good things about it and some difficulties." And you know what--she was 100% right!

I find this is true for more than just developmental stages. It's true for life in general. When things seem dark and dismal, there is a blessing to be found even there. God invites us to draw near to Him, and He will draw near to us. God is our Rock and Fortress, our stronghold in the time of trouble. He takes the winter of our hearts and warms us with His love, fresh and pure like the spring breeze.

Do you have any "spring" stories to share about how God has warmed your heart and where you've seen Him at work in your life?


  1. What an adorable picture! It is so true that God is always at work, even when things are dismal. It is during these times I feel my faith strengthening because I draw so much closer to God, and allow Him to carry the burden for me.

  2. Thanks, Carol Ann. That's one of my sons who LOVES to play in the snow. He's always building something!

