Creating a Realistically Flawed Christian Hero

This week, Senior Editor Jamie West, gave some wonderful insight into creating characters. Today, I want to take that a step further. I’m focusing on the hero, but the concept applies to heroines as well.

I see a great number of manuscripts where the author wants her hero to be highly flawed at the beginning of the story, and redeemed by the end (Whether he’s Christian all the way through the story or becomes a Christian partway through). Nothing wrong with that. It’s basically every Christian’s faith journey. But, oftentimes, in an author’s zeal to flaw a hero, she makes him un-heroic in the process. Heroes cannot be un-heroic; it's an oxymoron of gargantuan proportions.

The key is to make our hero flawed without having him make any un-heroic decisions. Let’s take a look at some examples of how to tweak a plot or character action so that we convey the flawed nature without putting the reader off our hero.

Here’s a common tale as a setting: The hero is a ruthless business man—a real estate developer, let’s say. He’s notorious for buying up old apartment buildings, putting the tenants out on the street, and then building high-rise office complexes that have made him a millionaire. He has no regard for the human person and looks only at the business side of every deal. We want him to meet the heroine, learn the error of his ways, find Christ, and to live happily-ever-after. He’s not a Christian at the opening of our tale, so it doesn’t really matter what he does because, he’s not bound by Christian morality...

Wrong! It does matter. Let’s see why.

We open our story (a story I will preface with the disclaimer that it’s a first-draft, off-the-top-of-my-head example and should not be taken as an example of a saleable piece of fiction :) …We open our story with the hero on the telephone telling his foreman to arrange for the eviction of a little old lady who lives on a pension, along with a single mother who has two small children and who works two jobs just to pay the rent-controlled rent each month, and an ex-con who we find out was wrongly-convicted and is just trying to put the pieces of his life back together. Joe Hero is ruthless. He’s mean. He’s screaming over the phone as the heroine stands at the threshold to his office waiting for him to sign some important documents that she’s couriered over for her employer. ..


Jane froze in the doorway. She’d heard of Joe Hero’s reputation—he didn’t care one whit about anything unless it came printed in green and featured a dead president’s picture. She hadn’t wanted to believe the rumours she’d heard. She’d had a crush on him ever since she’d seen his expose in Cityscape Magazine two years ago, and she didn’t want to believe anyone so beautiful on the outside could be so hideous on the inside. But as she listened to him on the phone, she had to believe.

“I don’t care about anyone’s sob story,” Joe Hero said into the phone. “They’ve all had two weeks to find somewhere else to live. Send the sheriff, if you have to.” He glanced up at her and rolled his eyes. “I don’t care how old she is. I don’t care if she has to live in the carpet bag with 'everything she owns.' Get her out of there. As for the other woman, if she can’t afford to keep her kids, maybe she shouldn’t have had them in the first place. Give her the number to that adoption agency on High Street.” He slammed down the receiver and waved her in.

Reluctantly, she approached the desk and handed him the papers.

He shook his head as he signed them. “I don’t understand people today. It’s not my fault these people can’t hold down a decent job or have such lousy credit they can’t let an apartment. Everyone expects a hand-out.”

“Maybe they can’t help it,” she offered, unsure why she’d even spoken.

“Sure they can’t. I’ve worked my entire life for what I have. If others would do the same, they’d ‘have’ also.” He smiled. “Guess they know who’s boss now, huh?”…

She stood there stunned, unable to reply. How could she? She was devastated. How could he? He actually liked kicking people when they were down. The rumours were true…


So, what we have here is a flawed hero. He’s going to learn the error of his ways--at least that's the author's plan, But, we’ve just seen him evict some people without any regard—and, he enjoyed it. Readers are not going to want this man to be the hero. It doesn’t matter if he’s redeemed by the end of the book. Most readers won’t get that far because after an opening like this, they are rooting against him. It doesn't matter what he does. In the reader's mind, he's a villain, not a hero.

Now, let’s take the same premise—same scene, even—and change it a little.


“Tell them they have until the end of the week, but that’s all I can do.” Joe Hero sighed and thought about the million-dollar deal that meant his company wouldn’t have to claim bankruptcy. JH Construction might have been the commercial builder of the year fourteen years running, but the economy had hit them hard. He had to get that building down and the new complex up. It wasn’t his fault the tenants hadn’t been able to find new homes. Surely Henry knew that. “No,” he told his foreman again. “This week. We have to break ground next week or it’s going to cost us a hundred K a day.”

He looked up to see a woman standing in the doorway to his office. He shot her an apologetic smile and rolled his eyes, pointing to the phone. She gave him a tentative smile back.

“Kids or no, Henry, they have to go.” He sighed again. He hated being the bad guy, but someone had to make the tough decisions, and since he had the reputation for being ruthless, the bad guy was usually him.

With no more protests coming from his foreman, Joe hung up the phone and waved in the petite brunette who still adorned his threshold. He didn’t think his doorway had ever looked so good.

She walked to the desk and handed him an envelope from Peter Jacobs & Sons. The papers he’d been waiting for. He smiled at her and motioned to the phone with a tilt of his head. “Sorry about that. I wouldn’t have been off sooner, but some people won’t take no for an answer.”

“Trouble, huh?” she mumbled as if she wasn’t sure she should speak.

He got that a lot. Most people were afraid of him. It irritated him a little, but he supposed he could understand it. There had been a time when he was so ruthless he would have put his own mother out on the street if it meant a lucrative build. But then Carla had happened, and he'd learned a few lessons about ruthlessness that had opened his eyes.

"Just some tenants who can’t find a new place and want me to postpone knocking down a building. Can’t bow to every request, though, or projects would never get finished.” He sounded so cold, but he wasn’t about to go into detail about why his timeline was so critical—with anyone, let alone a letter courier he’d never met, even if she did have the most compelling eyes he’d ever seen. Something about her actually made him want to tell her things she had no business knowing….


Now, we have ruthless Joe Hero. He’s still evicting those people, and from the limited info he’s told Jane Heroine, she can go away thinking he’s ruthless (thus keeping part of our conflict intact). But, we have a sympathetic hero. He’s misunderstood. Oh, he was actually ruthless in the past, and that “habit” is sure to pull him back at times throughout the story—that’s how we’ll show his redemption process. He’ll get angry or frustrated and say something he doesn’t really mean, but because the reader is already rooting for him to succeed—because he hasn’t actually done anything, or told someone else to do something, wrong (acted un-heroically), and because he's misunderstood—the reader will forgive him and he’ll still be hero material.

The key to creating a hero who is flawed but remains heroic is to make his un-heroic acts either backstory to where when the story opens, he’s already on the path to redemption; “force” his hand by some believable conflict he can’t get out of, but make him immediately remorseful and on the path to trying to reverse the effects of his ill decision; or to make his un-heroism something that is completely misunderstood by the other characters in the story, and well-known to the reader to be a misunderstanding. If the reader thinks for one minute that Joe Hero is actually un-heroic, then he can’t be the hero. Period.

So, keep your hero’s mind out of the gutter, his heart on unselfish acts, and his actions towards the heroine always gentlemanly. Any un-heroism has to be “off-camera” so that all we see of Joe Hero on the page is an actual hero—albeit a “hero in progress.”

Character & Destiny

Proverbs 23:7 - "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he."

The verse above is a powerful statement of the mind. What it speaks of is character. Character is the essence of a person’s heart. When writing, character is what sets the hero and heroine apart from others.

We use the terms, hero and heroine, because all the good can be written into a protagonist with a story to tell. But how do we get there?

We must first start within the thoughts of our hero and heroine. What do they each think in the privacy of their thoughts? Are they constantly striving to better themselves? Do they hope, dream and look for ways to resolve issues? When they see a hurt puppy, do they try to help? When they see a child fall down on a bike, do they rush over to see if he is OK? When they see an old person struggling to open a door with a Bible in one hand and a cane in the other, do they help? Do they think it is the right thing to do when no one is around to question? Setting up our hero/heroine to think and do acts of kindness without forethought is one way to instill them with character. The foundation is laid. Now, when they move on to larger dilemmas that require more thought, the reader will see if they fall back on the previous heroic kindnesses that promise more insight.

Sow a thought and reap an act;

Once our hero and heroine have determined a course of action, do they act? Do they physically get up and take action against wrongdoing? Do they do the right thing in the face of danger, fear, and distress? Do they do the right thing even when it’s boring, and without reward? Do they do the right thing when no one is looking?

Sow an act and reap a habit;

Habits are ways in which people cope with what they consider ordinary. Just as a smoker feels compelled to light up a cigarette, so characters must be compelled to believe their habits have meaning. With a Christian character, it should be habitual for them to look to God first when life overwhelms. And in some aspects of their thoughts, the hero/heroine must have an almost lackadaisical attitude. It should be habitual that they help hurt puppies, fallen children and old ladies. It should be habitual that they ask for deliverance. There should be no question, no thought in their minds to do otherwise. It is habit. Good habits begat good characters. Even when the going gets tough, our hero and heroine can fall back on their good habits.

Sow a habit and reap a character;

When good habits abound in thought, word and deed, the character shines. This is a person whom a reader will want to know. When circumstances put our hero/heroine in a bad situation, they must rely on the habits of a lifetime to continue down the road to resolution. They must rely on their kindnesses, their acts and their habits, to deal with the situation in manner consistent with the character we have established earlier in the story.

Sow a character and reap a destiny.

The characters are set. Now, the situation is ready to be introduced. It is here that the character will come against a problem that will shake the foundation of all he/she holds dear. Will they allow it to overcome? Will they draw on the power of their minds, act on the decision, react with the strength of their habits, and learn their abilities can equal the task? Will they take a stand to control of their own fate, and seal their destiny?

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he."

We must sow our words wisely. Strengthen our characters to respond with kindness, mercy, grace and vigilance. Build a strong foundation, and then rest our characters against it when they must deal with crisis.

Irritate the Devil?

When my kids were young (well, they're still pretty young, but, you know...) When my kids were growing up, I always encouraged them to put God first in their lives. When He's first, life is good--even when it's a tornado. So, to illustrate my meaning, I always told them, "Just remember, your goal in life is to irritate the devil." (because, don't kids love to irritate people? :) )

They would say, "Irritate the devil?"

"Yes," I would tell them. And then, of course, I would elaborate.

You see, Satan would like nothing more than to see Christians lose sight of Christ, and for non-Christians never to find Him; so when we stay close to Christ, it irritates the devil. When we evangelize--whether in word or deed--and people are uplifted and see a glimpse of Christ through our actions, it irritates the devil. (It irritates him even more when they fully convert because of it. ;) ) Every moment someone spends thinking about Christ, helping another in His Name, rather than thinking on worldly things or doing something selfish...that's right; it irritates the devil.

I woke up this morning thinking about this, and then I logged onto the email and read some emails about a prayer chain our White Rose readers' loop began. Not only was I touched by the faith and fellowship it took to begin this prayer, not to mention the prayers I found there for me and White Rose Publishing, the timing of it all brought a smile to my lips, because, my goal with White Rose is to irritate the devil--a lot! :) (And, it's going to take a lot of prayer because, when the devil gets irritated, he tends to go to battle. Ah, c'est la vie.)

We have a very special group of authors, editors and readers, and I am blessed just to be associated with them. Together we are going to entertain readers with quality stories and a great-looking product, and we are also going to show Christ through our written words. Our characters are going to be three-dimensional people to whom readers can relate, and how our characters overcome their struggles is going to drive home the need for people to know Christ, to love Him, and to understand that mountains become hills, and hills become speed-bumps, for those who trust in Him. All that, and we're not going to be preachy or didactic.

Sound like a big job? How are we going accomplish this, perhaps seemingly unsurmountable job? Well, I have some ideas, but I don't have all the answers...but guess what? I know Someone who does...and that's a little irritating to (shh! someone else who's been mentioned enough in this post already. ;) )

Ad majorem Dei gloriam,

New Release: Child of My Heart

This week, we're honoured to welcome Merry Stahel. Child of My Heart is Merry's first White Rose Publishing release, and she brings us a unique tale of sacrificial love...

Hannah didn’t expect to be raising her mother’s surrogate child. But Baby Seth’s parents also died, and he has no one else...Until Uncle Aaron shows up, demanding that Hannah give up her half-brother to his family, since genetically, Seth is their son.

Can the love of one tiny baby unite two families?